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Tree Planting at New Junction – Stage 2 plantings

 New Junction is made up of functional zones - a Civic zone is centred around the north south path and formalised with gridded tree planting which provide a shaded environment for resting, relaxing and with art works placed through the space.

The planting selected originates from local native trees species and those commonly found in gardens in the Midland area and grass type planting similar to the low lying areas along the close by Swan River and brooks.

Tree species include Eucalyptus Wandoo native to the Perth Hills. Melaleuca leucadendra representing the paperbarks in the wetland areas and Lagerstroemia tuscarora the classic Crepe Myrtle found in many local gardens.

With the opening of Stage 1 Weeip Park we can now see 184 trees planted – 130Eucalyptus (Wandoo), 11 Lagerstroemia, 52 Melaleuca and a lovely Jacaranda as a specimen tree.

Stage 2 Weeip Park, which is due for completion in June 2021, will see a further 40 trees planted, comprising ofEucalyptus lane-poolei, Lagerstroemia and Melaleuca.

This will bring tree planting to about 30% of what has been planned for New Junction.

Over the next few weeks there will be articles providing more details on the types of trees planted at New Junction.




Family friendly fun at New Junction