Six Seasons

The six designs are all connected by the perennial flow of the Derbal Yerrigan (Swan
River), which is a vital connector for local plants and animals, bringing life giving nutrients
and strength of spirit.
The long, thin shape of the river, flowing right through the middle of the entire story ,
visually suggests the forever influence of the great creator snake (or the spirit serpent),
called the Wagyl . During the Nyitting , the creation time, the Wagyl created everything we
see and know around us, including the plants, animals, river, rocks, hills and the six
changing seasons themselves.
February-March | Season of Adolenscence
Bunuruis the hottest period of the year, with long days and short nights. The orange colour palate of Nerolie’spainting is capturing the essence of the glaring sunlight.
It’s the time when the animals are coming of age, leaving the shelter provided by parents and forging their own way in life. In the painting, we see a clutch of turtles making their way out into the world.
Bunuru Second summer
December- January | Season of the Young
The hotter days and cooler nights of Birakwould see families travelling towards the coastal regions and camping, fishing and gathering foods, both saltwater and freshwater. That’s why the Birakpainting showcases a large meeting-place symbol, with a family group gathered near the lakes catching fish.
Birakis hot and the red colour tone of the Birakpainting expresses the heat. It’s the season where the young are being cared for, so birds are seen in the nest. The hot weather also brings out snakes from hibernation as they feed on frogs and reptiles.
Birak First Summer
Djeran Autumn
Djeran April-May | Season of Adulthood
Djeran, represented by the colour green, sees the beginning of much cooler nights, dewy mornings and falling leaves. Flying ants and flowering banksias are all signs to the Noongar people that the cooler times are here and so Mia Mia(bark shelters) are kept in good condition.
Makuru Winter
June-July Season of Fertility
Makuruis the coldest season with rain, strong winds, storms and long nights. The colour blue is associated with this season. Food sources focus away from the sea, lakes and rivers to grazing animals, like Yonga(Kangaroo). A time of fertility, animals and birds start pairing up for breeding.
In the Makuruartwork, you can see the DerbalYerrigan(Swan River) enlarges. This is a special spot near Guildford, where the water overflows in this season. The Wagyl(during its travels) rested there, in Weeipcountry. At the time of colonial settlement, Weeipwas a strong warrior, a custodian and leader of the Swan area, from the hills to Guildford. He is an importantman in Noongar history because he communicated a better way for his people to be treated.
Djilba First Spring
August - September Season of Conception
Djilbais expressed with pink colour and is cold, wet and windy. Yet many clear warm days are experienced too, and leads to an impending explosion of flowering colour. The flower stalks of the grass (Balga) trees begin to emerge along with all types of young wildflowers.
In Nerolie’spainting, the season of conception is clearly expressed by the symbols on the bellies of the spirit people.
Kambarang second spring
October- November Season of Birth
Kambarang brings back longer and warmer days with less rain and abundant wildflowers. The colour yellow is the colour of Kambarang. The stalks of the Balga trees are now tall and proud, and the yellows of many of the acacias abound. The banksias and many other smaller flowering plants, like orchids and kangaroo paws, are out in abundance.
Nerolie Bynder
The Artist
Nerolie Bynder is a proud Badimia-Noongar-Yamatjiwoman, contemporary visual artist, mother and grandmother. Nerolieis very proud to express her connection to her country. Neroliehas always been interested in art from a very young age. Influenced by her mother’s artistic outlook on life, her inspiration comes from the old people’s words, her life journeys, her family. She likes to paint for calm and healing, to keep happy and healthy.
Using bright colours and earthy tones, Neroliehas no boundaries on her art and tries new things in a contemporary style that carries a message of her ancient culture. Painting gives her strength and she finds it beautiful to create, and through that creation she finds her own happiness.
Artwork done by Nerolie Bynder
Text by the City Of Swan