Investment Focus – Midland Updated 

At a recent business breakfast hosted by the City of Swan, the updated Investment Focus booklets for the key areas of the City of Swan were released.

Investment Focus – Midland shows a population of 16,144 people in Midland rising to 21,776 by 2026 – a 31% increase.

Midland is an important centre for both the City of Swan and the region, with 164,500 people living in a 15 minute drive catchment zone.

Just a 30 minute drive from the Perth CBD, Midland is part of the major road linkages, including Great Northern Highway, Great Eastern Highway (and bypass) the Tonkin, Reid and Roe highways and the future Eastlink bypass.

Midland supports residents of the Perth hills, Northam, Toodyay, Chittering, Gingin, Mundaring, Kalamunda and surrounds. This population is expected to grow to 229,473 by 20236, with households expected to increase to 85,310.

Click here to download.


Forge Article -midland is your next investment


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